b'CHP financial statements 2020/2021How our money was invested Regulator of Social Housing metrics0.6m We analyse the regulators value for money financialActual performance trend. 6.3m 1% commercial insurance metrics, alongside our own bespoke measures, to track ourCurrent year performance compared to the target set12% tenancy managementeconomy, efficiency and effectiveness. This enables us toby our Board.understand our performance and continuously test that 3.4m value for money considerations are embedded in all ourPast and future performance compared to our peer decision making. groups March 2020 median. 4% improving andWe consider the following factors, together withmodernising homesour strategic objectives, when reviewing the11.2m regulators metrics.12% repairs and55.6m maintenance 61% new homes14.6m16% employee salaries Our main source For every 1 in rent we receivedof income is1.63 was invested in our existingthrough social andaffordable rents.and newly built homes. Our peer group Our value for money peer groupBPHAWe benchmark against a peer group agreed by the Board.EastlightThis group has been set using the following criteria:Flagship Housing Groupgeographical location; The Havebury Housingsize; Partnership development programme.Moat Homes The group has reduced in size by one this year due to aSaffron Housing Trust merger. It should be noted that the peer group comparisonSettle Groupfigures are from 2020 year-end figures and are therefore pre COVID-19 pandemic. Swan Housing Association 20 21'