b'CHP financial statements 2020/2021Notes to the financial statements Employee by banding10Directors emoluments The full time equivalent number of employees who received renumeration greater than 60,000: 2020/2021 2019/20202020/2021 2019/2020 Banding ()Number Number000 000 60,000 - 69,999 85Emoluments (including benefits in kind)1,123878 70,000 - 79,999 13Pension contributions161143 80,000 - 89,999 221,2841,021 90,000 - 99,9991- 100,000 - 109,99924The Leadership Team of 10 (2019/2020: nine), which wasThe Company does not make any further contributionrestructured in January 2020, received payments totallingto an individual pension arrangement for the110,000 - 119,999211,123,356 in aggregate (2019/2020: 877,685) excludingChief Executive. 120,000 - 129,99969,602 (2020: 36,328) in relation to payments in lieu ofAt March 2021 the Company make contributions on behalf notice and redundancy.of three (2019/2020: six) Directors to the ECCPF defined 130,000 - 139,999 23Emoluments (excluding pension contributions) includebenefit scheme, included in the numbers of employees 140,000 - 149,999amounts in relation to the Chief Executive of 164,816quoted in note nine.in 2021 (2019/2020: 161,568). During the year, the 150,000 - 159,99911Company paid pension contributions totalling 30,110 (2019/2020: 31,826) to the Essex County Council Pension Fund in respect of the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is an ordinary member of the Essex County Council Pension Fund and no enhanced or specialterms apply.60 61'