Your neighbours and community

We want you to feel safe in your home and community. We’re here to offer guidance and support if you’re experiencing any of the following problems or have concerns.

Anti-social behaviour

Everyone has the right to quiet enjoyment of their home. This means neighbours should consider whether their lifestyle impacts on others. Anti-social behaviour includes everyday incidents such as dumping rubbish/fly tipping and noise nuisance, to more serious acts such as threatening behaviour or harassment.

We take all reports of anti-social behaviour seriously and will help you to resolve the problem. It’s always best if you speak to your neighbours first and talk things through. They often don’t know their behaviour is causing you a problem and it’s the quickest way to settle disputes amicably. It’s important that you listen to them too, even if you’re sure you’re in the right, as this will more likely lead to a positive resolution you can both live with happily.

If it’s not possible to talk to them in this way or you need help, we’re happy to step in and support you.

To report anti-social behaviour or find out more about how we deal with it, sign up or sign in to your online account. If you’re not a CHP customer and want to report anti-social behaviour in relation to one of our customers, email or call us on 0300 555 0500. (Text relay: 18001 0300 555 0500).

Read our Antisocial Behavior and Hate Crime Policy[pdf] 203KB.


We consider the abuse of anyone to be unacceptable. We know the harmful effect that abuse has on the victim, their families and the wider community. We help by supporting, identifying and reporting to the relevant authorities any cases of adults and children who we learn may be at risk of harm.

We have a specialist team that manages all reports of safeguarding. If you have a concern about a vulnerable adult or child, you can tell us by signing up or signing in to your online account. You can also email or call us on 0300 555 0500. (Text relay: 18001 0300 555 0500).

Read our Protecting People from Harm Safeguarding Policy[pdf] 118KB.

Hate crime

We take all reports of hate crime very seriously and will investigate them. We work in partnership with services across Essex to support anyone who experiences hate crime. We can also provide advice around moving to a new home if needed.

We can’t offer an emergency service however. If someone is in danger or injured and needs support right away, please don’t wait to get help, call 999. If it’s not an emergency, call 101 and ask for the Community Safety Unit. You can report a hate crime to us by signing up or signing in to your online account.

Domestic abuse

This type of abuse can affect anyone, and it’s estimated that one in four women and one in six men will suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime. It comes in many forms including physical, sexual, emotional and psychological, and financial.

It can also include ‘honour’ based violence which involves a person being punished for bringing shame on the family for not abiding by their honour code. It can include female genital mutilation (FGM), also referred to as female circumcision, and forced marriage performed under duress and without full and informed consent of both people.

If you’re worried about your personal safety or that of someone else, there’s lots of help available including the police, online support, helplines and refuges.

Our specialist team who are understanding, sensitive and non-judgemental, can also offer help, support and guidance. This includes advice around moving home and relocating to somewhere safe.

Visit our domestic abuse page to find out more about how we help people experiencing domestic abuse. Concerns of domestic abuse can be reported to us by emailing or calling 0300 555 0500. (Text relay: 18001 0300 555 0500).

Read our Domestic Abuse Policy[pdf] 103KB.

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    It’s been the hardest fight I think I have ever had to fight. It’s now nearly a year later and we’re all so excited for a fresh new start. Thank you so much for everything you have done to support me and the children. I think I would have completely given up if it wasn’t for the support and help from you, so a massive thank you!

    Lauren – a CHP customer who had been physically attacked by her ex partner and wanted to move to a new area