
Parkside Community Hub

Our Parkside Community Hub is a friendly and welcoming space for customers and the wider community. It’s a great place to meet people, learn new skills, and take part in activities. The Hub is also a warm space, so drop in for a hot drink and a chat whenever you need to. 

Located on Melbourne Avenue in Chelmsford, the Hub is open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4.30pm.  

For more information about what's on, take a look at our guide to the Parkside Community Hub.

Social events and opportunities

We host seasonal arts and craft sessions, coffee mornings, and regular clubs. Gardening club takes place on Thursdays from 1-3pm, and we host a Sew, Knit, and Natter group from 12-4pm on Tuesdays.  

Come and join us to get creative or try something new. Check out our What’s on calendar for more information on upcoming events. 

Improving skills and gaining qualifications

We work closely with partner organisations to offer beginners courses through to recognised qualifications. This includes English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Get in touch with ACL if you’d like to enrol. Vocational training courses include the Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) which you need if you want to work in construction.  

For more information about the partners we work with and the courses they run, visit our Employment skills page. 

You can also get free, confidential advice about employment or housing with Essex County Council at our drop-in sessions every Thursday, 9am-1pm. 

Advice and support with health, wellbeing and benefits

We host weekly drop-in sessions with Peabody on Tuesdays, 9.30am-12.30pm. They can provide lots of resources to support you with concerns about housing, mental health, debt, isolation, or substance misuse. Peabody are also available on a Monday to help with form filling - these sessions are by appointment only. Call 0800 288 8883 to book. 

You can also get face-to-face support at the Hub from our welfare benefits advisors every Tuesday. They provide help and information with all types of benefits from filling out an application, to appeal and tribunal. Drop-in for advice between 9.30am-12.30pm. 

We also have an Early Support and Wellbeing drop-in with Essex County Council on the last Thursday of every month, 2-4pm. Get help accessing support for wellbeing, mental health, and carers. Plus, learn about positive coping techniques, and find out about groups and opportunities with organisations like Mid Recovery College, ACL, and Mind.

Every third Monday of the month we host a drop-in session with Citizens Advice Chelmsford from 10am-2pm. Citizens Advice can offer support on a range of topics including income maximisation, energy efficiency, housing, debt, and education. 


We host a variety of ad hoc workshops, covering topics such as managing your money and being savvy with your food shopping. Check out our What’s on calendar for further details and upcoming opportunities. They'll also be shared in our customer newsletter and on our social media channels. 

Hearing aid maintenance

Hearing aids need cleaning regularly and retubing every four to six months. Hearing Help Essex, a charity that supports people with hearing loss, hold appointments for NHS hearing aid users at the Hub every month for maintenance and support. These must be booked directly with the charity in advance.

Call: 01245 496 347, text: 07950 406 173 or email:

For more information about any of these sessions and upcoming events, dates and times please visit our What’s on calendar. If you’d like to book onto a course, please email:

What's on

Room hire at the Hub

We have several rooms available for hire at the Hub. These include meeting rooms, an IT suite and our large kitchen. To register your interest in any of our spaces and to find out more about room amenities, please contact You can find the price list for hiring a room at the Hub here. You can book a room by filling out this form and a member of the team will be in touch to confirm the booking.